#15:Make the ultimate mix-tape!
(From an idea posted on the Philadelphia Fun-A-Day site.) Choose a theme for each week, and pick a song each day. Then, at the end of the month, combine all of the songs into a mix tape, mix CD, orYouTube mix. Voila!
Express their inner life as only you know how. Even better: give each photo a title (or subtitle).
#13: Recreate your favorite paintings in 10 minutes using crayons.
Tip: Come up with a list of paintings and find a box of crayons before March1st!
#12: Draw a cartoon each day.
This doesn't need to be complicated. The cartoons don't necessarily even need to be funny. The idea is just to get your creative juices flowing.
Whether your inspiration is Don Hertzfeld (left), xkcd, or Hyperbole and a Half, it's amazing what a few stick figures and speech bubbles can express.
#11: Write a haiku poem each day.
You remember this from high school, right? The usual form is 5-7-5 (syllables), but play around! Think about how you'll present the haiku. What will you use as prompts each day? Or perhaps you could introduce a new constraint each day.
#10: Make an educational plaque.
Courtesy of the Learning to Love you More project: "Come up with some simple but useful information that can be made into a plaque or sign and then install it in some public place for people to learn from and use. [...] Note: do not bother making a plaque that is witty. Think of information that you routinely wish you had, and provide it to the public.
#9: Create a cast of characters.
Each day, create a new character. List their name, age, occupation, what they worry about, their favorite song, what they like about themselves, their tragic flaw... At the end of the month, you'll have an album of characters you can use to write stories, poems, portray in art... You get the idea.
#8: Make a field guide to your yard.
Or, if you live in an apartment, to your building, or your neighborhood. Note one new thing each day!
*FYI: The Learning To Love You More project was also awesome, so I'll probably be borrowing a few ideas from this site...
*FYI: The Learning To Love You More project was also awesome, so I'll probably be borrowing a few ideas from this site...
#7: Write down a memory each day.
Another Variation: write down your dreams each morning and illustrate them!
#6: Choose a poem (someone else's) and write it out by hand each day..

Need help finding poems? Check out
#5: Draw a map every day.
Draw a fictional map. Draw a map to your favorite place. Draw a map to your best friend's house. Draw a map of a dream you had. Draw a map of a place as you remember it from childhood...
#4: Write the perfect opening sentence.
Think of this as 31 opportunities to start that book you've been putting off to start that book you've been putting off!
#3: Zentangles!
Draw a zentangle each day during the month of February, or work a little bit each day on one large zentangle.
#2: Take a picture from your window each day
Focus on the same thing. Focus on something different. Watch how things change. Watch how things stay the same... You get the idea.
#1: Knit a sky scarf!
Choose a shade of yarn to match the color of the sky each day, and knit two or three rows. Voila!
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