Tomorrow's the Day!

This is it, folks!  Last call for the Fun-A-Day train!

Actually, there are no Fun-A-Day police, so if you start on Sunday, or Monday, or any day really, no one will judge you.  (Promise.)  And your February will be all the better for it!

Don't stress.  Pick something you think would be fun and easy to do each day in February.  If you complete all 28 days, gold star for you!  If you only complete 10 days, that's 10 more days of fun than you would have had otherwise.  And you're coming together with other people in your community—artists and non-artists alike—to make this a winter to remember.  That's pretty awesome, too.

So visit your local book store/library/craft store/closet this afternoon, gather all your supplies, and get ready for the best month of this unrelenting winter!  Hurrah!

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